- potential sweep
- розгортка потенціалу
English-Ukrainian analytical chemistry dictionary. 2013.
English-Ukrainian analytical chemistry dictionary. 2013.
potential sweep method — potenciodinaminis metodas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Tyrimo metodas, pagrįstas elektrodo poliarizavimu kintamuoju potencialu. atitikmenys: angl. potential sweep method; potentiodynamic method rus.… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
potential sweep method — potenciodinaminis metodas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Tyrimo metodas, pagrįstas elektrodo poliarizavimu kintamuoju potencialu. atitikmenys: angl. potential sweep method rus. потенциодинамический метод … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Sweep (book series) — Sweep Author(s) Cate Tiernan Country USA … Wikipedia
Evoked potential — Intervention MeSH D005071 An evoked potential (or evoked response ) is an electrical potential recorded from the nervous system of a human or other animal following presentation of a … Wikipedia
Foot sweep — The foot sweep (also footsweep) is a move in many different styles of martial arts. It is used to trip an opponent. Foot sweeps are commonly used in Tang Soo Do, karate, and jujutsu. In addition, many closer sweeps like the Trap Sweep and Two Leg … Wikipedia
Linear sweep voltammetry — is a voltammetric method where the current at a working electrode is measured while the potential between the working electrode and a reference electrode is swept linearly in time. Oxidation or reduction of species is registered as a peak or… … Wikipedia
Squarewave voltammetry — is a further improvement of staircase voltammetry which is itself a derivative of linear sweep voltammetry. In linear sweep voltammetry the current at a working electrode is measured while the potential between the working electrode and a… … Wikipedia
Staircase voltammetry — is a derivative of linear sweep voltammetry. In linear sweep voltammetry the current at a working electrode is measured while the potential between the working electrode and a reference electrode is swept linearly in time. Oxidation or reduction… … Wikipedia
electrochemical reaction — ▪ chemistry Introduction any process either caused or accompanied by the passage of an electric current and involving in most cases the transfer of electrons between two substances one a solid and the other a liquid. Under ordinary… … Universalium
Rotating disk electrode — A rotating disk electrode (RDE) is a hydrodynamic working electrode used in a three electrode system. [Bard, A.J.; Faulkner, L.R. Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications. New York: John Wiley Sons, 2nd Edition, 2000.] Structure The … Wikipedia
Electrochemical reaction mechanism — In chemistry, an electrochemical reaction mechanism is the step by step sequence of elementary steps, involving at least one outer sphere electron transfer, by which an overall chemical change occurs [Bard, A.J. L.R. Faulkner, Electrochemical… … Wikipedia